Document 1896 DOCN M94A1896 TI AIDS prevention and health education in the Republic of Slovenia. DT 9412 AU Leskovsek E; Institute of Public Health, Republic of Slovenia, Ljubijana. SO Int Conf AIDS. 1994 Aug 7-12;10(1):427 (abstract no. PD0317). Unique Identifier : AIDSLINE ICA10/94370679 AB Slovenia is a small, newly formed country with approximately 2 million inhabitants. According to the last data from 31-12-1993, there were 48 registered HIV positive and 31 AIDS patients. Regarding HIV/AIDS, the situation in Slovenia is still faurable, it therefore seems important to stimulate safe forms of behaviour in people with good programmes of prevention and good dissemination through media and so slow the spread of the AIDS epidemics in Slovenia. Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Slovenija is creating the national program for aids education and prevention. In the past there have already been organised various activities concerning AIDS prevention. We have produced posters and leaflets on this theme, and articles on the disease have been published. In generale we try to inform people throught mass media and since two years we create two campaigns yearly: a summer campagn for young people before hollidays and a campagn for the World AIDS Day. Activities related to the World AIDS Day were extended to the whole week. A media campagn was organized and we cooperated with other institutions and nongovernmental organizations, special groups with hight risk behaviour. In the presentation the activities would be presented. Two weeks after the World AIDS Day, the response of people to the campaign was evaluated. The survay has shovn, that campaigns, such as the World AIDS Day campaign are efficient and necesary and the type of media should be chosen according to the identified target group. The TV and radio are universal media, an important media for youth are posters, while newspapers are successful mainly to the older population. The middle age generation (30-50 years) is the segment most poorly covered by media, it would therefore be justified to think of an additional route of information (at work, for example). According to the answers related to the question What concerns you most about AIDS? It can be concluded that a lot of people are still waiting for the solution to come from outside (drug, vaccine) and do not feel threatened by AIDS or think that they can not become infected. In any case, more work should be dedicated to the methods and programmes to surpass the information level and convince people that the key to safety from this disease is changing the behaviour and helping them achieve that. Structure Robert, intended for all victims of ignorance and carelessness, is an attempt to reach people on the emotional level and so induce the behaviour change. DE Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/*PREVENTION & CONTROL Adolescence Adult *Health Education Human Middle Age Slovenia MEETING ABSTRACT SOURCE: National Library of Medicine. NOTICE: This material may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.Code).